Stage 1: Inception#
This stage starts with the idea of the research project that includes software. In this stage the proposal for the project is written, planning and first steps for the software development are made.
Learning Outcomes#
1. Describe what are the key decisions that need to be made during the Inception phase.#
a. decide the software programming language or framework for your research project.#
Narrative: Explain that any programming language is, in principle, fine to write software that helps with the research of your scientific problem, but sometimes there are additional factors to consider. First of all, if you only have experience with a single programming language, the choice of software code language used in the project will naturally be restricted. Any programming language (and its ecosystem) has its own strong points and weaknesses. Most of the time any programming language can be used. You should consider all these aspects alongside your comfort with the language in question. Sometimes you don’t really have a choice. Contraints of the problem, need of use of specialised hardware, and/or existence of libraries, that will cut down the needed development time, being tied to a specific language. In some cases, it is the target ecosystem the determining point. Software communities like bioconductor, machine learning, bioconda or text mining, for instance, only provide feedback on their favoured programming languages.
Learning experience
Exercise Next challenges explore some implications that choosing one or another programming language can have.
Challenge 1
I know how to write programs in R and Javascript (through node.js), and I want to write a command line program to process a FASTQ file with custom quality data representation. Which programming language should I use?
Any of these programming laungages are more than capable enough to open files, read contents applying transformations and filter the output based on some criteria. Use the one you feel more comfortable with.
Challenge 2
I want to write a deep-learning software which is able to consume analysed single-cell epigenomic data. Which programming language is best suitable for the task?
Most of the single-cell analysis related libraries are available either in R or Python. You can still use any language you already know (for instance, Julia), but it will be harder, as some key libraries will not be available in them.
b. licence of the software#
Narrative: Explain what a license is. The license will determine the rules for access and use of the software. It is a legal document, usually composed by a lawyer. A software license is a legal agreement that outlines the terms and conditions under which a piece of software can be used, distributed, and modified. It’s essentially a set of rules that govern how the software can be used and by whom. When it comes to software licenses, open source licenses are those that allow the source code of the software to be freely distributed and modified. This is in line with the principles of open science, as it allows anyone to access the software and use it for their own purposes. FAIR science, on the other hand, focuses on making sure that scientific data and research can be easily found, accessed, and used by others. A software license that promotes FAIR science would therefore allow others to easily access and use the software, in line with the principles of openness and accessibility. Note for instructor: Open Source Development - An Introduction To Ownership And Licensing Issues
Learning experience
Exercise The following challenges explore some implications that choosing one license or another can have. They highlight different aspects of software that licese can govern.
Challenge 1
In the project we are developing, we want to use a very popular library that has a strong copyleft license, but we would like to distribute our project under a more permissive license. What can we do?
We cannot use that library, we have to find an alternative with a compatible license or adopt a strong copyleft license for our project. License governs reusing the software, with implications for the software integrating it.
Challenge 2
We developed our project, a command line program, and finally realeased it under GPL-3. Someone used that program with no modifications in an application with a privative license. Is that legal?
It is perfectly legal, since the applications code that uses my code is not actually being distributed. License can govern the public performance of a software.
Challenge 3
We are a team of several people happily developing a software in a public GitHub repository. Since we are not ready to share our code yet, we did not add any license. Is this a good way to prevent anyone making copies or use our code?.
In absence of a license, the code is under exclusive copyright, which means copying or using it comes with a risk of litigations and take-downs, including the very colaborators of the code! However, in this case, GitHub might be copying your repository and using it as stated in the GitHub Terms and Conditions. Any public GitHub repository can be forked by other users.
Narrative Useful resources: - Guides to assist in the election of a license: - -
c. where the software will be stored during development#
i. will determine how it can be accessed by others#
Learning experience
Exercise: brainstorm which are the requirements for a system used to store code while it is being developed.
Narrative: Explain the different code hosting options (gitlab, github, bitbucket, sourceforge, …). Depending on the requirements, like privacy-related ones, some systems will be more suitable (GitLab private instance, for example).
ii. will determine how it will preserved#
Narrative: Self hosted solutions will require us to explicitly push releases of the software source code to either internal backup systems or third party services (, zenodo, B2SHARE, SSI). Third party public solutions, like GitHub, eases the preservation through the collaboration with Zenodo, automating most of the process. Public preservation solutions usually provide public, permanent identifiers.
d. what kind of versioning system will be used#
i. is used for tracking changes in the software#
ii. serves as a mechanism for due diligence for software projects#
iii. will narrow down available online services that can be used#
Narrative: Version control systems are tools that allow developers to keep track of the changes made to a piece of software over time. These systems create a history of all the changes that have been made to the software, and make it easy for developers to roll back to an earlier version if necessary.
GitLab and GitHub are two popular hosting services for version control systems. They allow developers to store their code and track changes to it using tools like Git. Both GitLab and GitHub offer a range of features that make it easy for developers to collaborate on projects and manage their code. For example, they both allow users to create branches (i.e. different versions) of their code, review and merge changes made by others, and track issues and bugs. Also, these systems provide continuous integration hooks (i.e. to automatically build binaries) to their facilities or third-party ones.
In layman’s terms, you could think of a version control system as a way of keeping track of different versions of a project, like a book. Each time you make a change to the book, the version control system records the change and saves a new version of the book. This makes it easy to go back and see how the book has changed over time, and to revert to an earlier version if necessary. GitLab and GitHub are like the libraries where you can store and manage your books (i.e. code projects). They provide the tools you need to collaborate with other writers, keep track of changes, and make sure your book stays organized.
Explain version control systems and available compatible hosting services (GitLab, GitLab). Comparative table: They very likelly fulfill all the requirements mentioned before. In addtition, some of them are not only hosting services, but offer a wide range of additional tools (issues, docker/package registry, CI/CD, pages, etc).
Advantages of version control: - Systematic tracking changes in the software -> version control != version history
- Mechanism for due diligence for software projects
However: - The election of the hosting service can limit the options of version control systems -> some repository hosting services like BitBucket only support Git and Mercurial
e. what kind of input and output standards the software will have#
i. will greatly affect the level of adoption#
ii. Choosing standards in the field will make it easier for adopters to integrate the tool in their own workflows and will#
iii. allow for reuse with their own datasets.#
Learning experience
Discussion: What are the advantages of using standard data formats?
Solution: (among others)
- Data reformatting to meet custom data formats comes with high risk of introducing errors.
- There are libraries to effectively handle common data formats without risk of truncating data.
- Easier to integrate with other software and use with their own datasets, so increased adoption by users.
Exercise: Suppose there is no standard format suitable for the tool you are building, how do you reduce the impact of the points raised before? Solution: (among others)
- Create a format specification a register it in FAIRsharing -> makes the format public, providing identifier, contact, etc
- Use a schema to describe the format (machine readable representation) -> facilitates users the task of transforming their data to my custom format
- Provide a validator for my format -> facilitates users the task of transforming their data to my custom format
- Provide plenty of data examples for realistic use cases
2. For each decision, explain why it’s important.#
covered in the previous LO
a. programming language
- i. will determine which existing libraries will be available.
- ii. could narrow the software and scientific ecosystems where it could be (re)used.
b. licence of the software - i. will determine the rules for access and use of the software
c. where the software will be stored during development - i. will determine how it can be accessed by others
d. what kind of versioning system will be used - i. is used for tracking changes in the software - ii. serves as a mechanism for due diligence for software projects - ii. will narrow down available online services that can be used to share code
e. what kind of input and output standards the software will have
- i. will greatly affect the level of adoption
- ii. Choosing standards in the field will make it easier for adopters to integrate the tool in their own workflows and will
- iii. allow for reuse with their own datasets. ```
3. Identify the specific SMP questions that are relevant in this Phase.#
Enumerate the questions:
- Accessibilty 1. What is the name of the software?
- Accessibility 2. How can the software be accessed by third parties?
- Accessibility 3. Does your software have a license?
- Interoperability 1. Do you use existing and standard input/output formats?
- [Not covered in lesson] Interoperability 2. (?) What programming languages are you using in your project?
- Versioning 1. Do you use a version control system?
- [Not covered in lesson] Versioning 2. Do you use Semantic Versioning?
4. Using the ELIXIR SMW, fill in the appropriate information to each SMP question that is relevant to this Phase.#
Learning Experience
Go to the workspace you just created in the SMW and complete the previous questions for a piece of software.